Teachmeandroidhub #java #if-elese Statement
If-else Satament in Java
If-Statement mainly used to test the condition in this case it returns true or false .Let's Assume a situation where you have been asked or said to execute a statement there may be a condition should be true or false. Let suppose you have done something wrong then your father will be ask that have you done this or not you may return true or false .If retun true then you may be get slapped else some other good thing can be happen also with you.So apart from above there are some different type if-else statement are as following
- if Statement
- if-else Statement
- if-else-if Ladder
- nested if statement
If Statement in Java
1. If Statement: - Java if condition check condition if condition returns true then execute code under if block or if condition returns false then exit.
//code to be executed
in the above said syntax you can easily see how the condition written in if and statement in if block will execute after check if condition.
FlowChart of If Statement
public class IfExampleinJava {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//defining an 'value' variable
int value=90;
//checking the value
System.out.print("Oh no Century missed");
output: Oh no Century missed
2. if-else Statement: - In above there was only if condition mean there was no statement in the case if condition returns false but in the if -else statement we hase an alternate if codition return we can execute some in the case else condition return false still we can execute some block of code let see the syntax
Flow Chart of if-else Statement
//code if condition is true
//code if condition is false
lets See an Example on if-Else Statement
public class IfExampleinJava {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//defining an 'value' variable
int value=90;
//checking the value
System.out.print("it's Half Century ");
Output: it's Half Century
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